Clinic C4 for terminal stage cancer patients. We might provide you with effective therapy even against multiple metastatic cancers, on terminal stage

33-22 Motoyoyogicho Shibuya-ku Tokyo 151-0062 Japan

About Our Therapy

About Our Therapy  - Cost -  - Cost -

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Outcomes / Cases

Tomotherapy treatment fee

The following fee is applied exclusively to overseas residents who visit our clinic via intermediation by medical coordinators.
It is a common blanket charge which is inclusive of the whole fees for therapy/companion drugs to be dispensed by clinic

Comprehensive Fee ¥4,500,000 ~ ¥5,500,000

The fee includes

  • First consultation
  • Therapy by Tomotherapy
  • Draw up of therapy plan
  • Companion drugs
    - Gene therapy drug (P53 intravenous drip infusion)
    - Gene therapy drug (P53 local administration)
    - 4 Epigenetic gene therapy drugs (local administration)
    - Temodal (10 pills)
  • Certificates
    - medical examination information providing documents
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